Pompan Hospitality Global, Inc.
Strategic Planning
This one to two day program is designed to provide a strategic planning process for properties to set annual key initiatives. Various activities and exercises will navigate executive
teams through the process including analyzing internal and external Influences, conducting a SWOT Analysis, exploring customer preferences, reviewing internal Processes and
ultimately determining Strategies and Action Plans that
support key initiatives.
Managing Change and Transition
The continuous and rapid changes that particularly occur in the hospitality industry today can interrupt the flow of ideas and create stress for individuals and teams. Participants explore the types of feelings and behaviors they may experience during change, how these feelings and behaviors affect team dynamics, and the key actions they can use to overcome negative behaviors. The goal of the program is to increase the understanding of change and give participants the ability to take charge of their situation and
remove barriers that may get in the way of their progress.
Leadership Development
Leadership training curriculums may be customized based on the specific development needs of our clients. Please contact PHG for more information.